In response to President Trump’s recent declaration that the press is the “enemy of the people’’ as well as the decision to ban CNN, Politico, BuzzFeed, HuffPost and the New York Times from a Feb. 24 White House Press briefing, the National Writers Union and the Writers Guild of America East are hosting a panel on Trump vs. Press Freedom.
The event, from 6-9 p.m. on Friday, March 10, will be held the 12th floor UAW NYC offices, 256 W. 38th St, New York City, and will be live-streamed here.
Panelists will be Bill Fletcher, Jr. (The Nation, Black Communicator), Trudy Lieberman (Columbia Journalism Review) and Liza Featherstone (The Nation).
The Writers Union notes: “The attacks on the press did not start with the six journalists arrested on Inauguration Day. Amy Goodman of Democracy Now, and many other reporters were arrested, threatened, and assaulted while covering the North Dakota Pipeline Access protests, as well as marches against police killings in New York and Ferguson. The Obama Administration prosecuted nine cases under the Espionage Act, more than all previous administrations combined, in an attempt to silence whistle blowers like Edward Snowden and Chelsea Manning. Now, Trump and Bannon are rushing through that opened door.”
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