Hi folks – I’m blessed to have a very good board of directors at New Jersey SPJ. They include several people who have served as past presidents of the chapter. They are a group of people who are passionate about journalism and its role in a democracy.
It’s that time of year, however, when we elect a new board. And it appears we will have one vacancy on our 11-member board. Former chapter president and long-time board member Ron Miskoff has indicated he plans to not run for another one-year term. We will miss Ron and appreciate all he has done for our chapter.
If you are an SPJ member and have an interest in serving on our board, let us know. The job involves attending one two-hour meeting each month, usually on the third Sunday. Members are also called upon to take on additional assignments during the year, such as helping organize programs, working on our annual SkillsFest event or overseeing our signature awards journalism contest.
We also tackle important topics such as diversity, ethics, open public records access and journalism advocacy.
If you would like to be part of this effort, please email our nominations chair Miriam Ascarelli at ascarelli@gmail.com by no later than May 20. Also please put “NJ SPJ Board Nominee” in the subject line and include a JPEG photo of yourself, plus a one-paragraph bio.
Student SPJ members: Go to Baltimore with the Fran Burns scholarship
If you are a SPJ student member in New Jersey, here’s a great opportunity for a $500 scholarship to help enable you to attend our national Excellence in Journalism Conference Sept. 27-29 in Baltimore.
The scholarship is named after Fran Burns, a former SPJ New Jersey chapter president and long-time board member who passed away in September. The $500 stipend is a very good deal.
For example, it will be enough to cover your $175 early bird registration plus a $199 one-night stay at the Baltimore Hilton, which is the conference hotel.
You must, however, be a current SPJ student member to qualify for this money. All we ask in return is that you write a short story about the conference which we can later post to our chapter website.
Interested? Then please contact Karin Price Mueller at karin@njmoneyhelp.com.
You will need to send Karin your resume and a short statement on why you wish to attend the conference.
The application deadline is June 10. The winner will be announced later that month.
Speaking of scholarships, here’s another one: To help move the news ecosystem in the Garden State toward a goal of better reflecting the communities it serves, the Center for Cooperative Media is launching a scholarship fund dedicated to helping New Jersey journalists attend training, events and conferences in 2018 put on by organizations that work on improving diversity, equity and inclusion in media. Click here for more information.
The Eastern Video Expo, a trade show, is set for May 30-June 1 at the Morristown Hyatt. The topics range from technical to the legal. Sponsors of the event include the FDU Film Program, CineTech, NATOA, TelVue, Varto Technologies, DNS media group, Rushworks, NJ Wireless Association, The Free Press, the Center for Cooperative Media and the Jersey Access Group.
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