Articles by Steve Lubetkin

Keystone SPJ expands its contest to include NJ

Editor’s note: Stay tuned for news about NJ SPJ’s contest, which opens Jan. 2. However, do know that because of a sharp decrease in contest entries, our contest has been scaled down to our four signature awards: Courage Under Fire

SkillsFest 2018 on Jan. 27

Our SkillsFest 2018 is beginning to take shape and it’s looking pretty good so far.

SkillsFest is our day-long set of training sessions aimed at giving journalists – both students and professionals – the tools they need to better do …

See “The Post” with us on Jan. 12

We extend a special invitation for you to attend a fun social event that our New Jersey chapter will be hosting on the evening of Friday, Jan. 12 – not Dec. 29 as previously announced.

Our plan is to attend