Articles by Steve Lubetkin

Open records law presentation in Ridgewood Nov. 8

Editors note: This event was originally planned for Nov. 2. It has been rescheduled for Nov. 8. Details below. 

Government transparency is the topic of the League of Women Voters of Ridgewood at a presentation by New Jersey Foundation for …

Save Oct. 14 for SkillsFest

Editor’s note: The Oct. 14 Skills Fest has been postponed. We’ll let you know about the new date as soon as it is determined. 

Good news!

SPJ National has awarded a $500 grant to help us stage another Skills Fest …

Remembering Fran Burns

Fran Burns (1948-2017)

I loved to hear Fran’s stories.

We old newspaper ladies tend to ramble on about predatory politicians, clueless editors, catastrophic malfunctions in new-and-improved technology, but Fran put her own spin on her tales: her days at the …

Dash-cam videos, new SkillsFest

Hello SPJ members! I hope you’ve all had a good summer and enjoyable Labor Day weekend.

Your SPJ New Jersey board had a very productive summer. Here are a few things we’ve been working on.

Friend of the court

This …