Articles by Steve Lubetkin

Contest categories, finalized



We have come to the end of a sometimes difficult but ultimately educational and rewarding process of updating our annual NJ Society of Professional Journalists contest. We’ve stuck to our principle of being open and transparent, and

IMPORTANT! Contest changes

Contest_Feedback_graphicTO OUR CONSTITUENTS:
We are proposing some significant changes to our annual New Jersey Society of Professional Journalists contest this year, and we would like your input. We intend to make two major changes to the contest categories.
Here’s the

Learn to podcast

black background_podcasting workshop_revised_v 4Join us Sun., Nov. 15 for an NJ-SPJ workshop that will teach you the basics of podcasting and also focus on what content works best for this medium. The workshop, to be held from 1:30-3:30 p.m. at New Jersey Institute …


Behind a bank of cameras and glass panels, NJTV news anchor Mary Alice Williams interviewed her guest as we watched from the walkway at 2 Gateway Center during our NJ Society of Professional Journalists’ tour on Oct. 22.

Somewhere in …