Articles by Steve Lubetkin

Our contest opens Jan. 5. Here are the basics.

resized_house_ad_resized_redderOur annual Excellence in Journalism contest opens tomorrow, so let’s get to it: Who can submit? Here’s our answer:  any journalist who lives or works in New Jersey or who reports about New Jersey or the region.  We also welcome …

NJ SPJ statement on undercover cop posing as journalist

A Statement from the NJ Society of Professional Journalists
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
For more information, contact: Bob Schapiro 973-509-9700
or Ron Miskoff 732-278-1868


All Americans have the right to know when they are talking …

Conquer Mobile: A one-day workshop for publishers

ATTENTION NEWS PUBLISHERS: Mobile is a lot more than content on a smaller screen. Mobile is context. Mobile is mapping. Mobile is a machine for capturing sound and pictures and video. Join the Center for Cooperative Media for an intensive