Articles by Steve Lubetkin
Legal Aid
Need the force of the New Jersey Open Public Records Act, also known as the state’s Right to Know law, to get the records you need? Here are three great resources that can help you along:
…How do you define journalist?
Last year, prosecutors in Union County sought to force blogger Tina Renna to reveal the names of 16 county officials Renna claimed had used county generators for personal use after Hurricane Sandy. Not surprisingly, the case landed in court.
The …
Princeton hosts symposium on civics-based news
It’s always about energizing civic discourse, no? NJ Arts News and the Princeton Center for Arts and Cultural Policy Studies are bringing four heavy hitters together this month to lead a discussion about just that. The free public forum, at …
Another freebie: Open Public Records Act seminar @Rutgers
Three cheers to our student chapter at Rutgers University for organizing an Oct. 7 seminar on the state Open Public Records Act featuring investigative reporter (and Rutgers grad) Joshua Rosenau and Walter Luers, an attorney who specializes in the state’s …