Articles by Steve Lubetkin

NJSPJ Sandy help for journalists

Dear members:

We hope you and your families are safe and warm following superstorm Sandy and the impending nor’easter.

So many journalism colleagues have been affected storm and need help, large and small. Many of you are also looking for …

We’re hosting!

Yes, you heard it right. We’re stepping up to the plate to host this year’s regional. The place? The School of  Communication and Information on the lovely Rutgers University campus in New Brunswick. The dates? April 12-13. Right now we’re …

Kickstarting new ventures

The New Member Task Force of SPJ-NJ has been very busy this summer. We’ve had three events with very sizable turnouts, focusing on three goals:

  • Making SPJ-NJ a more useful organization for mid-career journalists… people in their 20s, 30s and

FDR and his mistress

A goal of the NJ SPJ Pro Chapter for the past couple of years has been to enter into partnerships with other organizations.

We got the chance to do that on April 27 when we joined with the Friends of …

John Ensslin elected new SPJ prez

NEW ORLEANS —The Society of Professional Journalists is pleased to announce John Ensslin as its 2011-12 president. Ensslin will serve the largest and most broad-based journalism association for a one-year term.

Immediate Past President Hagit Limor gave Ensslin …