Hobart Hall filled for awards ceremony, induction
Rising journalists and established professionals lent an air of excitement to the first William Paterson University SPJ Awards Ceremony and New Jersey SPJ Journalism Hall of Fame event.
The student chapter honored its friends of WPSPJ: NJSPJ President John Ensslin, theater critic Ruth Ross and sports reporter Denis Gorman during the ceremony held April 18 in Hobart Hall.
During the ceremony, the NJSPJ inducted Anna Quindlen, John McPhee and Jonathan Alter to its New Jersey Journalism Hall of Fame. Gabe Pressman and Edith Schapiro were inducted posthumously. The inductees were nominated by a panel of former NJSPJ presidents and approved by the NJSPJ board.
The emcees for the evening were Miriam Ascarelli, vice president of NJSPJ, and Dr. Nicholas Hirshon, a journalism professor at WP and the founder and adviser of the WPSPJ.
WP is the host of the New Jersey Journalism Hall of Fame and the NJSPJ plaque bearing the names of inductees will be kept at the university’s Communication Department.
Couldn’t make the ceremony? View it at William Paterson SPJ on Facebook – here.

Honoring the late Gabe Pressman, from left, his producer Inara de Leon, son Michael and Vera Pressman.
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