Only two organizations issue the accepted 2023 NJ Press ID Card, recognized by both the Offices of the Governor and the Attorney General, as indicated above. One is the NJ Society of Professional Journalists (NJ-SPJ) and the other is the NJ Press Association (NJPA). We will save you some math: It is less expensive to get your credentials through NJ-SPJ —you are already on our website — unless you require more than eight cards. Then you might consider applying to the NJPA. Your organization must be accepted and pay their dues. Please contact them for further info.
The NJ-SPJ NJ Press ID Card is further endorsed by the NJ Broadcasters Association, the Garden State Journalists Association and the Garden State Student Press Association. Please understand that there are no government-issued New Jersey press credentials in 2023. The NJ Press ID Card identifies you as someone who is accepted as a journalist by your peers. Many towns, agencies, sports venues and others use this to determine who gets the rights and privileges customarily accorded to the working press.
Most of you are renewing, but everyone should read this page before filling out the application.

The biggest change is that we now offer two types of Working Press Vehicle Identification: reflective visor/dashboard cards and Working Press license plate frames.
In addition, the NJ-SPJ card can now be used to apply for NJP license plates from the state. Please click here for full information, which will open in a separate tab on your browser. Then return to this page.
- We try to process orders within two weeks, before mailing them out. We are a non-profit organization and we are trying to keep your costs down, so we appreciate your patience. If, however, you truly need the card more quickly — for example, if you are a statehouse reporter — please email us at We will do our best.
- Third Text Line on Press ID Card: The first line of text on the Press ID Card is your name and the second is your media affiliation. The third line of text on the Press ID Card is a Description Field. You can customize it to better identify yourself. You can put your beat, such as “Education Reporter” or “NJ Correspondent.” You can put your job, such as “Reporter/Photographer,” “Editor,” or “Freelance.” You can use it to specify a location, like “Newark, NJ” or “Bergen County.” If you leave it blank, it will be blank.
- New Jersey Broadcasters Association: If you are a member of the NJ Broadcasters Association, the NJBA is paying for your press credentials and a full SPJ membership, while the flash sale continues. This is an upgrade from last year. You can get your discount code by writing to
- Multiple Applications: If you are a news director or editor wishing to submit multiple applications for members of your newsroom, click here to download a spreadsheet and instructions.
NJ-SPJ Press ID Card Terms and Conditions
NJ-SPJ is part of the national Society of Professional Journalists, which regularly maintains and updates a Code of Ethics.
The SPJ Code of Ethics is a statement of abiding principles supported by additional explanations and position papers that address changing journalistic practices. It is not a set of rules, rather a guide that encourages all who engage in journalism to take responsibility for the information they provide, regardless of medium. The code should be read as a whole; individual principles should not be taken out of context. It is not, nor can it be under the First Amendment, legally enforceable.
NJ-SPJ requires that all who apply for the NJ-SPJ Press Identification Card read the SPJ Code of Ethics. As stated, it is not a set of hard rules and we encourage news organizations that examine and develop their own ethical codes.
The NJ Press ID card is the property of NJ-SPJ. NJ-SPJ reserves the right to withdraw the NJ Press ID Card from anyone who commits a gross violation of the spirit of SPJ’s ethics. The card may also be withdrawn for violations of law, such as trespassing, or for any other reason as determined at the sole discretion of the board of NJ-SPJ. In such instances, individuals are required to return their card to NJ-SPJ. NJ-SPJ will refund the individual’s card payment in full and, if requested, their membership fee. NJ-SPJ will, however, keep the processing and shipping fee. NJ-SPJ reserves the right to make changes to its terms of membership and the NJ Press ID program at any time and without prior notice.
NJ-SPJ is not liable for any incidental, consequential, direct or indirect (including but not limited to damages for loss of revenue, business interruption, expenses and the like) arising from the use, misuse and/or inability to use the NJ Press ID Card or any determinations regarding the issuance or revocation of the NJ Press ID Card.
You agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless NJ-SPJ, its officers, employees, directors, agents and contractors from and against all claims, losses, expenses, damages and costs, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, arising from any violation of this Agreement by you or any other person using/displaying the NJ Press Id card as well as any determinations regarding the issuance or revocation of the NJ Press ID Card.