
7 Comments on "Event"

  1. What about the TV and radio categories?

  2. Thanks for alerting us to this omission. Take a look now; you’ll see the TV and radio categories are up. — Miriam

  3. David Kirshner | May 28, 2013 at 10:04 pm |

    Is there a certificate or any acknowledgement? Honored to have won. Curious how it was nominated. Never submitted my article. Best and thanks.

  4. The two state solution strikes me as a very positive alternative to no contest at all. Ths would inspire me to become a member again, and to volunteer to serve as judge for future contests.

  5. I was not able to attend Ron’s funeral and I’m late with my comment here, but I want to second what others on his funeral home guestbook said about Ron’s generosity and vitality, his having lived an exceptionally good life and having a positive impact on those around him and the world at large. He and I made kind of a team working together in NJSPJ (we were both president at different times and served on the board together for many years), as founders of the New Jersey Foundation for Open Government (where we helped, with Joe Tyrrell, win approval of a much improved open public records law for New Jersey in 2002) and at Rutgers, where we both taught investigative reporting and, with Barbara Reed, helped defend the free press rights of journalists, both on campus and off. Ron, never cynical or defeatist, was ever ready and able to practice, teach or defend journalism, always with enthusiasm and generosity. I learned a lot from him. We made a good team, along with others in NJSPJ, and I am glad to have been his friend.

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